SWASTIK PLYWOOD LIMITED is a public Company incorporated under the Companies Act,
1956 having its registered office at "Shyam Towers", EN-32, Salt Lake City, Sector V,
Kolkata-700091 with Limited by Shares which is Incorporated on 2nd March, 1985.
The Company is an Investment Company and is duly registered as a NBFC with the Reserve Bank of India.
The Equity Share Capital of the Company are listed on The Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE).
It is a Listed Non Banking Financial Company having an Authorised Share Capital of
Rs. 50 Lakhs and Issued, Subscribed and Paid up share Capital of Rs. 24 Lakhs. The
Scrip Code on CSE is 29456. Company shares are dematerialised in NSDL.
Main Business of the Company is to take or purchase, acquire, hold and dispose of or otherwise
deal in and invest in any shares, debentures and other securities in or any company or companies
either out of its own funds or out of funds that it might borrow by issue of debentures or from
bankers or otherwise however or in any other manner whatsoever and to subsidise or otherwise assist
any such company and to promote, form or acquire any company and to take, purchase or acquire shares
or interest in any company and to transfer to any such company any property of this company.